How To Start Running

The hardest part of running? Getting out the door.

Running is a great way to get fit and feel better, but sometimes, a lack of motivation - or even know-how - can catch you short. 

Starting a new running habit needn’t be difficult - all you need is a good pair of running shoes and the willingness to move a little or a lot, all at your own pace.

To help put you one stride ahead, we’ve pulled together the very best running tips for beginners, so you can get off to a safe start and enjoy hitting the tarmac (or treadmill).


  • The Benefits Of Running
  • Getting Started
  • Our Top Six Running Tips For Beginners
  • Running Plan For Beginners

    If enjoyment alone isn’t enough to get you increasing your stride, perhaps the proven health benefits of running will?

    Running is one of the most effective ways to increase daily activity, cardiovascular fitness and mental health. It also is widely accessible, as you don’t need any fancy equipment, it’s relatively inexpensive and you can do it just about anywhere.

    Here are some of the other key health benefits of running:

    • Promotes muscle development;
    • Can help aid weight loss;
    • Helps to relieve stress levels;
    • Boosts the release of endorphins, sometimes called a ‘runner’s high’;
    • Increases bone strength and joint health;
    • Promotes better sleep;
    • Increases lung capacity, metabolism and energy levels;
    • Reduces cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease.


    Whether you’re new to running or getting back to it after a long break, it’s really important to ease yourself in and gradually build up to avoid injury. Here are some top tips to get your started on the right foot.

  • Now, we’re not saying you need to go out and buy a wardrobe full of expensive new running kit, but what we are saying is that staying equipped for the environment and surface you’ll be running on is non-negotiable. 

    Start by investing in a suitable pair of running shoes that fit comfortably and offer extra support, cushioning and grip for your runs. 

    When it comes to the clothing, well, that’s where we step in. Fusing form and functionality, our Pace Collection is designed for practicality - with soft, lightweight and breathable details - so you can run with ease and without distraction. 

  • Take measured steps to keep your body safe and free from injury. Warming-up is an essential part of any workout, especially running. We recommend walking or doing an easy jog for five to 10 minutes before increasing your intensity. You may also benefit from warm-up exercises, such as dynamic stretches. 

    Be mindful of other safety advice, such as running against the flow of traffic and carrying your mobile with you at all times.

    READ MORE: Top Tips For Staying Safe When Running In The Dark

  • Nothing can get you lost in the moment quite like blasting your beats as you pound the pavement. 

    We all have our own taste in music, which makes it all the more important to pick a playlist that’ll motivate you to power through, even when times get tough, with the wind against you and the heavens pouring. 

    If you need a little inspo, we’ve got plenty of tracks to keep you moving. Check out our Spotify here.


    Now that we’ve established the basics, you’re probably wondering exactly how to start running?

    Here’s how…

  • If you’re totally new to running, chances are your motivation levels are pretty high. That being said, it’s as important as ever to pace yourself. This includes your running speed, intensity and training frequency.

    Don’t be afraid to start off with a few fast paced walks each week to build up confidence, condition your muscles and create a positive habit you can stick to. Pacing yourself will allow you to continue progressing and reduce your risk of injury. 

    The likelihood of strains, repetitive stress and foot pain tends to be greater during your first few weeks of running as a beginner, or if you’re returning to running after a long break. 

  • The Run-Walk Method is a great way for new runners to get started, helping to build endurance with less joint stress and is a manageable intensity level. 

    The method combines running with intervals of walking. Start by alternating one minute intervals of running with one minute of walking, and then gradually try to increase the time spent running. As you become more comfortable, reduce the time spent walking.

    Check out our beginner’s running plan further down this page.

  • Never underestimate the power of rest. 

    It’s completely natural for your muscles to feel a little sorer than usual, but if you’re experiencing genuine pain or discomfort, it’s crucial you allow it time to rest and recover.

    If you’re suffering from sore muscles, more likely than not, it’s DOMS - AKA delayed onset muscle soreness. This is the aching or stiffness you experience as a result of intense training, however, this should subside within 48 hours.

    Avoiding exercise altogether can actually prolong DOMS, so consider lower intensity exercise, such as walking, mobility and slow jogging to increase blood flow and relieve your muscle fatigue.

  • Chances are, you already knew this, but if not, you’ll soon learn that eating well and staying hydrated can significantly influence your runs.

    You lose water through sweat, whether cold or hot, so you need to drink before, during, and after your runs. You ideally want to drink 120 ml to 180 ml of water every 20 minutes, but pay attention to your thirst level and drink when you feel thirsty. During longer workouts (90 minutes or more), some of your fluid intake should include a sports drink to replace sodium and other minerals (electrolytes).

    In terms of nutrition, it’s best to eat something light and high in carbohydrates but low in fat, protein and fibre. Aim to finish eating 90 to 120 minutes before you start running. 

    If you’re running for longer than 90 minutes, you’ll need to replace some of the energy you’re burning. A general rule of thumb is to consume 100 calories after an hour and another 100 calories every 45 minutes.

  • It’s easy to neglect other aspects of your fitness and strength when starting your running journey. Balancing your running sessions with other forms of resistance training and exercise will help to build muscular resilience, reducing your risk of injury and boosting performance. 

    Repeatedly hitting the road without building strength in the gym can not only lead to injury, but a performance plateau too. Be sure to balance out your training with strength-based exercises to work on muscular endurance, speed, power and potential imbalances - all of which will help with your running in the long run.

    You can find plenty of guided workout routines and strength-building exercises, like our Back & Shoulder Workout, on our Fitness page.

  • Running is a natural movement, but that doesn’t mean you can’t improve aspects of your running form to improve your experience and efficiency. 

    First things first, keep your posture upright. Keep your head lifted, your back long and tall and shoulders level but relaxed. Maintain a neutral pelvis and ensure you’re not leaning forward or back at your waist. 

    Likewise, it’s important to monitor your footstrike - this is the way your foot hits the pavement. You might land on your heel, in the middle of your foot, or on your toes or forefoot. It’s recommended that you should try to land in the middle of your foot, and then roll through to the front of your toes. However, if you’re naturally a toe runner (land on your toes) or heel striker, it may be best not to change your stride.

    READ MORE: The Principles Of Good Form With Caroline Gravity


    Without a clear idea of what you’re trying to achieve, and the steps you need to take to get there, you’re making the challenge much tougher than it needs to be.

    That’s why we’ve put together the ultimate running plan for beginners.